When we get to heaven, we will clearly recognize others.
When He was in His resurrection body, Jesus was clearly and readily recognized
(except when He chose to conceal it when talking with the two on the road to
Emmaus). In this same manner, we will be known and recognized by each other in
heaven. We will not be nameless and faceless souls without identities.
Our resurrection bodies are not merely immortal
duplicates of our present ones. Consider Paul’s analogy of the wheat seed (1
Cor. 15:35–38). A mortal body is like the seed, while an immortal body is like
the full-grown plant. Both are physical, with an intrinsic continuity between
the two. But what a difference between the seed and the plant in appearance, in
attribute, and in potential! If we presently have the capacity to recognize our
loves ones, that ability will be magnified, not lessened, in the immortal
we will maintain our current identities but in resurrected and glorified bodies
that have no infirmities or faults. At the Last Supper, Jesus promised the disciples that in
the millennial kingdom and in heaven they would all drink the fruit of the vine
together again as they did that evening (Matt. 8:11; Luke 22:17–18). John
MacArthur writes:
All the redeemed will maintain their identity
forever, but in a perfected form. We will be able to have fellowship with
Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Samuel, Moses, Joshua, Esther, Elijah, Elisha,
Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, David, Peter, Barnabas, Paul, or any of the saints we
Remember that Moses and Elijah appeared with Christ
on the Mount of Transfiguration. Even though they died centuries before, they
still maintained a clear identity (Matt. 17:3). Moreover, Peter, James, and
John evidently recognized them (v. 4)—which implies that we will somehow be
able to recognize people we’ve never even seen before. For that to be possible,
we must all retain our individual identities, not turn into some sort of
generic beings.
The recognition, awareness, and knowledge of others will be
enhanced rather than diminished or erased in heaven. Bible scholar Daniel
Lockwood observes:
What the Bible does not tell us are the details of the
resurrected and immortal body in heaven. Questions such as appearance of age
and other attributes remain unanswered.
2011 Timothy J. Demy and Thomas Ice
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
P.O. Box 2607
Grand Rapids, MI 49501
P.O. Box 2607
Grand Rapids, MI 49501
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