Thursday 30 June 2011

One Video EVERY Christian should watch!

Almost no Christians have read the Bible, an interesting irony given that it is purported to be the source of their religion.

When you do read the Bible, its like entering a mad house. The books of Moses are a bloodbath from beginning to end. The God of Moses appears to be a volcano, and worships in an orgy of blood and dismembered animals.

Then you get on to Jesus, and things really dont improve much. Jesus states that all the old laws about burning witches etc, given to Moses by God still stand, and Jesus spends most of his time healing the sick, casting out demons and preaching. The irony being that even after he gives his disciples magic powers to cast out demons, many of them still doubt that he is the son of God.

Anyway, this video just cuts out one short segment of the Bible, about witches, wizards and demons. All form part of the narrative of Jesus and God in the Bible. Remove these, and you rip out the credibility of the book on its big claims about Gods, and Sons of Gods and you reduce the Bible to merely a story book.

It is my reckoning that people can identify Harry Potter as a work of fiction. Why then should people struggle so much in identifying the Bible as a work of fiction?

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