Friday 13 May 2011

A Trip to Pakanjore - JULY 22 - 29

How many of us thank God the moment we start our days? either we will be busy with work or studies or something else. 

We are preoccupied with many things. Do we realise that the pound of air we breath from our nostrils is yet another gracious moment we are receiving from the Almighty God, we are still alive because it is the merit of the precious blood of the Lamb.

No of you may believe us, but what we are writing below is a testament of what we experienced just 7 days in our lives of what God has shown us, of what what God has been talking to us. I even remember the river we had crossed which almost covered us, those villagers - they all are just traces of memories that has placed permanently in our minds. Almost 22 teenagers coupled along with 3 young pantaloons - this was a remarkable journey. Read along of what we got to say of our past experience !!!

Pakanjore trip was something that I can’t forget. It was a small blessing for me to go and do some ministry for my God. This ministry brought me really close to God. \

We have learnt a lot of lessons through this trip, we take each day for granted but never think of what will happen to us. We didn't start a day thanking God for the blessings He has given, and through this ministry, all of us have learnt how important each day is and how much we should thank Him. 

We encountered a lot of problems during our trip and each situation taught us a lesson. There was even a time when we thought this was our end. But God proved to us that He is the LIVING GOD and He helped us through those problems. 
There are many ways the world attract us to itself but when we have a problem, there is only one person who not only gets our attention but also saves us from that trouble; that is our living God. 

We sang ‘He Leadeth me’ as we travelled and this song has really touched my heart; I can say that this is one of my favourite songs. 

                                           It goes like this.
        He leadeth me:  O blessed thought!  
        O words with heavenly comfort fraught! 
        Whate'er I do, where'er I be,
        still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me

Only God can lead us; no one else could do that. We need to use each day wisely and use it for God, because God is the one who blesses us with each and every day of our life.

- Tobin Tom

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