Faith – the one and only way to please God…!
Faith is the most significant aspect of Christian walk. God expects the attitude of faith under all circumstances. Our first reaction to any situation should be a ‘faith filled prayer’. Jesus lived by it to bring in salvation for the whole world. If He would have acted human and doubted His purpose without faith, we would have been thrown into the lake of fire. Jesus set an example through His life for us to walk by faith. Well, faith is the major ingredient that needs to be present to experience miracles and breakthroughs. Have you ever thought as to ‘why God doesn’t come in front us so that we can believe Him without any doubts’? The answer to this question is that He gave us sufficient materialistic evidence when He walked among us as Jesus of Nazareth (1Jn.1:1`-3).
Faith is an essential element in human existence
Imagine a situation when people do not trust each other. Can the society function at all? We feel good when people rely on us, hence we don’t like to disappoint them. If we mortals can act with responsibility towards the person who relies on us, how much more will our super natural Heavenly Father be happy when we rely on Him? Isn’t it a pleasure to make our creator smile?
Faith is all about believing without seeing now
The Word says that the people who believe without seeing are blessed (Jn.20:29). It also says that things that are seen are temporary but the things that are unseen are permanent and precious (2Cor.4:18). However believing without seeing is the essence and definition of faith (2Cor.5:7). Faith has to be present even if circumstances are not in favor of us. Even when we don’t encounter the after effects of faith immediately, God expects us to have faith without ceasing.
Faith has to grow from a mustard seed to a gigantic mustard tree.

Faith is the opposite of Fear… Anxiety … Worry
A child like faith is all that is expected of us form our Lord. If we have this child like faith with its complete essence, we do not have to suffer with fear, anxiety and worry. The lord says that He is with us at always, He never leaves us nor forsakes us. We must have the mind set to completely rely on Him. Thinking and fearing about tomorrow’s issues will never make tomorrow better. We must remember the fact the person who fears the lord will not fear anything else but the one who doesn’t fear the Lord might fear any thing and every thing!
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